I pulled ExAws
into an Elixir project recently. The app is Relinker.
I intend to use cloud object storage for OpenGraph preview images for websites.
I’ve used ExAws
before in other projects at work, but I wasn’t the one who had to do the setup.
Along the way, I found that configuring ExAws
was not easy to get right at first.
I wanted two unrelated things:
- I wanted to configure the HTTP client to use Req instead of the default Hackney, since I already had Req listed as a dependency.
- Instead of S3, I wanted to connect to Storj which boasts an S3-compatible API because the free tier for Storj (25gb storage, 25gb/month egress) is really attractive for my pet project.
Here’s where I landed after much trial:
config :ex_aws,
http_client: ExAws.Request.Req,
access_key_id: [{:system, "STORJ_ACCESS_KEY"}, :instance_role],
secret_access_key: [{:system, "STORJ_SECRET_KEY"}, :instance_role]
config :ex_aws, :s3,
scheme: "https://",
host: "gateway.storjshare.io"
As a library consumer…
I think that documentation for how to configure ex_aws
could be improved.
In this vein, I submitted a tiny PR
to improve the docs for configuring the HTTP client. But more is needed.
Here’s what I learned through trial-and-error:
- The above config cannot be runtime config. It must be build-time. In other words, put it in (e.g.)
, notruntime.exs
- You need to keep those lists of tuples and atoms in the access key fields. They’re actually meaningful.
- Putting those two ideas together:
has a concept of refreshable config, which change at runtime. But that doesn’t mean runtime config;ExAws
uses the configuration to understand when and how to access environment variables.
The :system
and :instance_role
stuff that you see above is deep in the library’s config-parsing and env-var grabbing logic. But, these concepts are currently necessary for developers to interact with, all the way in userland config. In other words, it’s really a public API (at the moment).
This wasn’t apparent to me at all while approaching ExAws
for the first time.
Now that I’ve done it, it’s making more sense, but I still think that it could be made more clear.
Since the docs are open-source, I will take a deeper look in the near future.
Just to be clear, I’m not raising these as criticisms of community library maintainers, which I know is a totally thankless job.
I am simply documenting my experience, in case it is useful for myself or others.